September '98

A.B. Simpson: Pastoral Theologian

The Student Convention/Railroads

Missionary Outlook of the War/Baptism

Ordination of Pardington
1898 Graduations

The 1898 Issues

Order Communicate!

Ordination of George Pardington
By Rev. A. B. Simpson

In 1898, the ministry of George Palmer Pardington reached full tide in The Christian and Missionary Alliance. Throughout the year he published a weekly Sunday School Lesson in the Society magazine. In mid-year he received his Ph.D. from New York University after receiving classical education and seminary training at New York University and Drew University.

Severely injured as a child, he experienced the healing touch of the Lord in his youth. As his body weakened upon entering middle age, he testified concerning the daily strength he received from the Lord.

He was to spend most of his professional career . . . at the Nyack Missionary Training<R>Institute until his death in 1915. Dr. Simpson gave the following report of Pardington's<R>ordination on February 18, 1898. -Editor

Our beloved brother . . . was ordained to the full ministry of the Gospel in the Gospel Tabernacle, New York, on Friday evening, February 18th, by a council of ministers, including his father, Rev. R.S. Pardington, Rev. F.W. Farr, Rev. Dr. Oerter, Rev. Stephen Merritt, Rev. H.M. Warren, Rev. A.B. Simpson and others.

An accomplished scholar . . . he is also a deeply spiritual Christian, and is being made a great blessing to the young people at Nyack.

The services were deeply interesting, the sermon being preached by Mr. Farr, an intimate friend and former teacher of Mr. Pardington, and the ordination prayer was offered by Mr. Simpson, who has always counted our dear brother as a spiritual son. Mr. Funk presided, and Dr. Peck gave the charge to the young minister. Mr. Pardington, with his much beloved young wife, is living in a quiet cottage at Nyack, and giving his whole time to the work of teaching in the Institute. An accomplished scholar in every sense of the word, he is also a deeply spiritual Christian, and is being made a great blessing to the young people at Nyack. We believe he has before him a life of great usefulness, and he has given his whole heart and life to the testimony and work of The Christian and Missionary Alliance.

1898 Graduation at Missionary Institutes

In this era of the beginning of the Bible institute movement, the 1898 graduation exercises of two were described in the pages of The Christian and Missionary Alliance. --Editor

Commencement Day at the Missionary Institute-- The commencement exercises of the Missionary Training Institute at Nyack were held on Thursday, April 28 . . . .

Mr. Blackburn was valedictorian for the class.. . . He urged the students to be true to God: First, in their daily walk with God; in their testimony, and in the ministry of prayer.

Mr. Funk presented the diplomas. This was followed by short addresses from the faculty, Mr. W.W. Clark being the first to speak. He pressed the need of magnifying the Word of God, having one Person, the Son of God, and one Book, the Word of God, exalting the person and magnifying the Word.

They were followed by Mr. Pardington, who was greeted with enthusiasm by the students. . . .

Mrs. Field, Mr. Warren, Mrs. Clark and Mr. Merritt each gave brief messages of encouragement and appreciation. They were followed by Mr. Pardington, who was greeted with enthusiasm by the students. . . . (May 4, 1898)

Closing Exercises of the Gordon Missionary Institute, Clarendon Street Baptist Church, Boston-- The ninth year of the Gordon Missionary Training School has been closed in gracious power and blessing.

The exercises . . . began on Sunday morning, May 22, with the usual sermon by Rev. F.L. Chapell, Dean of the school.

On Thursday, May 26, the whole day was devoted to public examinations in the various departments.

The evening exercises included an annual report by the Dean, a stirring address by the President, Rev. Arthur T. Pierson, and the presentation of certificates to the graduating class. (July 27, 1898)