William Navarre Family Photo Gallery

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Robert Robert R. Navarre articles tree
   born: Sept. 3, 1830 Near Presque Isle, Ohio.
   died: Jan. 7, 1914 Toledo, Ohio. obit
   submitted: by Terry Breymaier.
Robert Robert R. Navarre (1830-1914) tree
   born: Sept. 3, 1830 Near Presque Isle, Ohio.
   died: Jan. 7, 1914 Toledo, Ohio.
   submitted: by Sally Marie (Wiser) Cousino.
Maria Maria Archangele (Navarre) Navarre (1839-1923) tree
   born: 27 Oct 1839 Monroe, MI.
   died: 4 Jul 1923, Toledo, OH.
   submitted: by Sally Marie (Wiser) Cousino.
Navarres and Kellys Navarres and Kellys, Bay Shore (1890s)
   Isaac Wright. The East Side: Past and Present.
   Toledo: 1894.
   page 64
William William Navarre tree
   with Robert H. Navarre's Rifle.
   from Toledo Blade article
   submitted: by Terry Breymaier.
William William Navarre
   born: August 18, 1863 Momineetown, Ohio.
   died: October 16, 1945 Toledo, OH obit
   submitted: by Robert Bruce Lloyd, Sr.
Rose Emma Faneuff Rose Emma (Faneuff) Navarre. tree
   born: Dec 30 1866 Tilbury Center, Ont.
   died: July 15, 1935 Toledo, Oh obit
   submitted: by Robert Bruce Lloyd, Sr.
stoop Back stoop, 280 Dearborn (Summer 1928)
   L-R: Celia (Navarre) Menne, R.B. Lloyd
   June Marie Lloyd, and Rose E. (Faneuff) Navarre
   submitted: by Robert Bruce Lloyd, Sr.
Thanksgiving Thanksgiving 1929 at William Navarre's
   1530 Mott Ave., Toledo, Oh.
   submitted: by Robert Bruce Lloyd, Sr.
Garden Mr. & Mrs. William Navarre (about 1930)
   In their garden at
   280 Dearborn, Toledo, Oh.
   submitted: by Robert Bruce Lloyd, Sr.
June's Wedding June's Wedding (August 26, 1939) 1st movie of William 2nd movie of William
   St. Paul's Lutheran, Toledo, Oh
   L-R: Priscilla, William, and Andrew Navarre.
   submitted: by June Marie (Lloyd) Kutzke.
Aunt Ceil and Uncle Henry Mr. and Mrs. Henry Menne (m. Apr 19, 1906)
   Henry May 28, 1885-Dec 1945
   Cecelia Rose (Navarre) 25 Oct 1887-31 Oct, 1956
   submitted: by Barbara (Coons) Rossington
at 21 Rachael Marie (Navarre) Lloyd about 21 (c. 1916)
   born: Dec 26, 1895 Walbridge, OH
   died: Oct 9 1969 Toledo, OH
   submitted: by June Marie (Lloyd) Kutzke
Marsh and Rae Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Wesley Lloyd (Oct 1915)
   married: Jan 19, 1915 Toledo, OH.
   submitted: by Robert Bruce Lloyd, Sr.
Front and Main Plumey Block, Front and Main
   William Navarre's restaurant/saloon
   death location of Robert R. Navarre
   meeting place of the GAR
Llewellyn Lloyd Navarre Photoalbum Llewellyn Lloyd Navarre.Llewellyn Lloyd Navarre tree
   born: 18 Aug 1899 Toledo, Oh.
   died: 20 Feb 1975 Oregon Twp., Lucas Co., Oh
   submitted: by Terry Breymaier.
Aileen Aileen Navarre. (Jan 3, 1924-Jun 10 1988) tree
   Morrison R. Waite High School
   Purple and Gold, 27 (1942)
   submitted: by Robert Bruce Lloyd, Sr.
Sew Rachael Marie (Navarre) Lloyd. (Fall, 1943)
   Moving into 3372 Glenwood Ave., Toledo, OH
   Making Curtains
   submitted: by Robert Bruce Lloyd, Sr.
Oak Openings Rachael Marie (Navarre) Lloyd. (c. 1950) tree
   born: Dec 26, 1895 Walbridge, OH
   died: Oct 9 1969 Toledo, OH obit
   submitted: by Robert Bruce Lloyd, Sr.
R. M. Navarre Rachael Marie (Navarre) Lloyd.
   born: Dec 26, 1895 Walbridge, OH
   died: Oct 9 1969 Toledo, OH
   painted: by Angela Davies (Pardington) Lloyd.
HPM Navarre Reunion (July 1950)
   L-R: Howard and Pearl Navarre
   Marshall W. Lloyd (smoking Lucky Strike)
   submitted: by Robert Bruce Lloyd, Sr.
Mary Navarre Reunion (July 1950), detail
   L-R: Rachael Navarre Lloyd and
   Mary Navarre Eaton Carlon (Wm. Navarre's sister) obit
   submitted: by Robert Bruce Lloyd, Sr.
HM Navarre Reunion (July 1950)
   L-R: Howard Navarre
   and Marshall W. Lloyd
   submitted: by Robert Bruce Lloyd, Sr.
PNJLK Navarre Reunion (July 1950)
   L-R: Unknown,
   Pearl Navarre and June (Lloyd) Kutzke
   submitted: by Robert Bruce Lloyd, Sr.
N. Elem. Navarre Day, Navarre Park (9/29/2000)
   Terry Breymaier as Robert the Scout
   with the kids of Navarre Elementry
   submitted: by Terry Breymaier.
ptr and rbt Black Swamp Festival, Pearson Metropark (10/1/2000)
   L: Terry Breymaier as Robert the Scout
   R: Larry Michaels as Peter the Scout
   submitted: by Terry Breymaier.tree
280 Dearborn 280 Dearborn (September 21, 2001)
   William and Rose (Faneuff) Navarre's Home
   Toledo, Ohio
   submitted: by Marshall Davies Lloyd.

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