Exiria "Exivia" [Francis Xavier] Navarre, son of Alexis Navarre, one of the five brothers who rendered such valuable service to the government during the war of 1812, died at his home on the Bay Shore, yesterday afternoon [Wednesday, February, 7, 1906] after an illness of over a year, aged 69 years. He had been failing in health for the past five years, and for a year past had been confined to the house, a great sufferer. He is survived by his wife, to whom he was married thirty-five years ago, and two children, Mrs. Guy Houck and Miss Jennie Navarre.
Mr. Navarre was well known to residents of Toledo, and his home, which was of historical interest, was frequently visited by persons who were desirous of learning something of the early history of the Maumee Valley. The house in which Mr. Navarre was born and in which he lived all his life, is located near the site of the old Indian village at Presque Isle. The farm was a grant from the government to his father, Alexis Navarre, as a recognition of his loyalty and service to his country, each of the Navarre brothers having received such a grant after the war of 1812.
The deceased was of a genial disposition, fond of outdoor life, and was a famous hunter in the earlier days.
The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon [Thursday, February 9, 1906] at 2:30 o'clock from the residence. Rev. A. M. Rihbany to officiate. Interment will be in the North Oregon cemetery.
NAVARRE--FRANCIS EXIVIA D. at his residence in Oregon township Wednesday, February 7th, 1906, @ 3:30 p.m., aged 68 years.
Funeral from the res., Friday at 2:30. Friends invited.
NAVARRE--ANNA (MCCARTY), aged 86, widow of the late Exivia D. Navarre, at her residence, 2929 Rockwood Pl. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Gabrielle Hoak Houk [Mrs. Guy K. Houk]and Miss Jennie Navarre. Remains were removed to the Bennett funeral home and later to the residence where services will be held Friday, Dec. 26 at 2 P.M. Interment North Oregon cemetery.
"Anna (McCarty) and Francis Xavier Navarre," detail of Alexis Navarre House. Photo in Navarre-Williams Papers: Collection #042. The Ward M. Canaday Center for Special Collections, University of Toledo Libraries. Toledo, OH.
Jennie Navarre and mother Anna McCarty (Mrs. Francis Xavier Navarre. Photo in Navarre-Williams Papers: Collection #042. The Ward M. Canaday Center for Special Collections, University of Toledo Libraries. Toledo, OH.
Death of Mrs. McCarty
Monday evening occurred the death of Mrs. Ellen McCarty, who resided with her son James and family in Providence township.
Mrs. McCarty was in her 83rd year. She was the widow of John McCarty who diseased deceased some thirty-eight years ago. She was the mother of four children, only two of whom survive, namely: James, with whom she resided and Anna, who married E. La-Varre Navarre, and who resides on the river, near Ironville. There are 13 grandchildren.
Mrs. McCarty has been a resident of Providence township for about 46 years and saw many of the hardships incident to the pioneer days.
The funeral was held at 10 this--Wednesday, a. m., and interment made at Providence.
Marshall Davies Lloyd |