Marshall Davies Lloyd
PO Box 158
444 Water Lane
Tappahannock, VA 22560
H (804) 443-9444
W (804) 443-3357
web site:


MALS, Mary Washington College; 3.9 GPA
MA "with distinction", University of Georgia; 4.0 GPA
BA, The College of William and Mary in Virginia; 3.3 GPA


1999 -- Mary Washington College
*  Hanna Award: outstanding student in the MALS program
*  Glover Award: outstanding final project in the MALS program
*  Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges
1998 -- web awards for authoring [30K hits]
*  Perseus Award: spreading information about the classical world over the internet
*  Odysseus Award: promotion of the Classics on the WWW
*  Fanatical Classics Award: bringing new sheep into the Greek and Latin fold
*  Steinlein-Shapard Award: outstanding teacher in the life of a R-MWC student
*  MA with distinction: excellence in preparation and defense of a Master's thesis
*  Phi Kappa Phi: national honor society recognizing superior scholarship
*  University-Wide Research Assistantship: University of Georgia
*  Georgia Classics Summer Institute Teacher Scholarship: University of Georgia
*  Early Acceptance: The College of William and Mary in Virginia


*  20 years as classroom instructor (15 years as department head, 4 as division head)
*  Produced software and OS interface for classroom (Awarded $30K Robinson Grant)
*  Ad hoc programming, projects, and consultation for Digital Wisdom (
*  Student/Staff trainer in software and hardware--tech. support, presentations, and workshops
*  School Programmer: St. Margaret's School, (grades/comments/transcripts/etc.)
*  Computer Dept. Chair; instructor; purchasing agent



*  MULTI-MEDIA: Adobe Photoshop (5 years), Corel Draw (6 years), Power Point (3 years), font design (True Type and bit mapped), scanning, photo retouching and repair, original art, pallet reduction; OCR using Omni-Page (5 years), Adobe Page Maker (7 years); midi, wav, and mp3 file composition; CD-ROM burning; and format conversion. Also 1 year experience, Macintosh environment.

*  MS OFFICE all Windows versions: Word (12 years including DOS versions) style sheets, macros, mail merges, etc.; Access, Excel, and Power Point

*  NETWORKING: LAN: NetWare administration and account set up, Groupwise 5.5 postmaster; Internet: web master, site and content development, FTP; Intranet: site management and design

*  PROGRAMMING: 24 years experience in Basic, including: QuickBasic, MS Basic professional, Visual Basic, VB-DOS; Perl (2 years); Javascript (3 years); and batch file programming

*  WEB AUTHORING: proficient in HTML (5 years), using Homesite, Didapro, and Editpad (authoring over 1000 web pages and several etexts); skills including: HTML, DHTML, CSS, frames, forms, JavaScript, SSI, Perl scripts, regular expressions, and CGI

*  LANGUAGES: Ancient Greek, Latin, French, and Italian
*  WRITING: Award-winning writer; excellent research, editing, and grammar skills